Our Approach

DII Cloud will help your company balance new Cloud-based technology and traditional technology to deliver effective unbiased solutions.

Our 5 Step Process

No business is identical. DII Cloud aims to provide solutions based on the unique factors of your company. These 5 steps help us to identify your business’s exact needs and to pin down a strategy to deploy the most effective IT solutions for your business.

  • We will sit down with you and examine all existing technology, including hardware and software. We will look at the ways in which your employees utilize technology to complete their tasks. We will experience your company’s IT needs first-hand.
  • We will analyze all existing technology. We will evaluate stress points, critical areas, and weaknesses of your IT environment.
  • We will design solutions custom fit to your business’ needs, that account for functionality, reliability, security, and cost. We will present you with a plan and schedule of action to provide these solutions and service your IT requirements.
  • We will roll out solutions in accordance to the above plan. We will service your company’s IT needs. We will implement solutions that enable your business to use technology to further whatever it is that you do.
  • We will monitor your company’s IT infrastructure. We will continue to observe and assess needs as your technology evolves and changes. We will continue to present you with solutions to keep your business running smoothly.

Our FREE IT Site Survey

We will come to your school and fully evaluate your technology environment. We will assess strengths and weaknesses, and present you with a plan that covers all of your technology needs: both cloud and traditional.

Who We Are

“Cloud technology does not eliminate the need for real human relationships and interaction”

How do we see the Cloud?

The IT industry is quickly seeing the rise of Cloud-based technology. With this, we have seen many businesses turn to the Cloud, and other businesses turn entirely against the Cloud. At DII Cloud we view the Cloud through an unbiased lens. Sometimes the Cloud makes the most sense for the demands of a business, other times, it may not. For this reason, the DII team sees it as mandatory to have expertise in both traditional technology AND Cloud-based technology.


Drawing a conclusion on whether your company would be best suited with Cloud-based solutions is something that depends on the unique variables that drive your business and is not a question that can be answered universally.  To help answer this question, DII Cloud is offering our Free IT Audit to all businesses.