Does your firm’s technology maintain client confidentiality in accordance with the PA Bar’s Formal Opinion 2011-200?
Get Your IT Site Survey
We will come onsite to your firm and fully evaluate your technology environment. We will assess strengths and weaknesses, and present you with a plan that covers all of your technology needs: both cloud and traditional.
Enhance the experience of your clients with cloud-based applications like DocuSign and Dropbox for Business.
Backup legal files with a 3:2:1 compliant backup solution. 3 copies of data. 2 locations. 1 location offsite.
Your network is the piece that ties the rest of your technology together. Ensure a strong foundation with a strong network.
IT Security comes in layers. Protect your devices, and all legal information kept on said devices, with Antivirus.
With a large variety of your confidential client information kept within systems at any given moment, a firewall is absolutely crucial in keeping your network secure from outside threats.
Email and Encryption
Communicate internally and externally without worrying about compromising confidentiality with secure and reliable email solutions, backed by email encryption and security measures.